Shariful Alam

Enthusiastic polyglot programmer with more than a year of real-life experience in web development. My current goal is to achieve a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, specializing in Cyber Security and Data Science. The ultimate goal is to establish a research-based career.


Teaching Assistant

Department of Computer Science, Lamar University

Tutoring Undergraduate students. Hand out assignments and grade papers. Proctor examinations. Meet with students during office hours.

September 2018 - Present

Graduate Assistant

Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Lamar University

Developing a web application to help patients with hearing problems. Maintain web server. Goal was to develop an internet based self-therapy platform to aid people with hearing problems and as well as provide real-life data to help on going research.

Feburary 2017 - December 2017

Trainee Programmer

MonaIT, Dhaka,Bangladesh

Develop a web application using PHP codegniter MVC framework and modern front-end technology. Use Wordpress CMS on several Projects. Use opencart for an e-commerce based website.

Feburary 2015 - June 2015


Lamar University, USA

Master of Science in Computer Science

CGPA: 3.47/4.0

Coursework: Programming for Grad. Students, Operating Systems, Adv. Operating Systems, Analysis of Algorithm, Android Programming, Multimedia Processing, Computer Network, Software Engineering, Foundation of Computer Science, Big Data Computer Systems, Adv. Computer Architecture

Master’s Thesis: Designing an effective model for traffic signs classification based on convolutional neural network
August 2015 - December 2018 (Expected)

Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Bangladesh

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

CGPA: 3.56/4.0

June 2009 - June 2014

Research Interests

Network Security
Machine Learning
Distributed and Cloud Computing
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Human Computer Interaction

Technological Skill

Programming/Scripting: C/C++, PHP, Python, Java, JavaScript
Machine Learning: Popular Machine Learning Algorithms & Deep Learning Architecture, scikit-learn, Keras, Tensorflow
Web Development: Laravel, Codeigniter, Django, Flask, Wordpress, JQuery, Twitter Bootstrap
Mobile App Development: Android Studio, Mid level Android app
System Administration: Popular Linux Distros, Unix based Virtual Private Servers, Apache,Vagrant, Amazon Web Service
Database: SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server
Tools & Services: Git, Github, Composer, pip, npm, Popular IDEs, Third party APIs & Libraries


Awards & Certifications